
Canning Conference 2019: Infrastructure

  • One Great George Street, 1 Great George St, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA
  • 08.30 - 14.30

We are delighted to announce Canning House's 2019 flagship conference will this year focus on infrastructure, looking in particular at ports, airports, rail and metro.

We are delighted to announce Canning House's 2019 flagship conference will this year focus on infrastructure, looking in particular at ports, airports, rail and metro.

Established in 2010, the Canning Conference aims to identify trends and transformations in different commercial sectors in Latin America. The conference sees specialist speakers from across business, government, academia and international organisations meet to discuss business opportunities and risks. It is the premier business-focused conference on Latin America in the UK.

Infrastructural development is the foundation for wider economic development. To achieve higher growth and a continuing rise in the standard of living, infrastructure needs to connect developing countries and their citizens with one another and with the wider global economy. The Latin American region currently spends one of the smallest shares of GDP on infrastructure in the world, second only to Sub-Saharan Africa. There is immense potential for growth through much-needed upgrades to its infrastructure.

The conference will begin with morning sessions followed by a networking lunch and the option to have one-to-one meetings in the afternoon.

  •  Agenda

  • Coffee and registration

    08.00 – 08.30

  • Welcome & Introduction 

    Cristina Cortes, CEO, Canning House

    08.30 – 08.40

  • Overview of the region – Update of what is going on in the region, the current situation economically and politically  

    James McKeigue, Managing Editor, LatAm INVESTOR

    08.40 – 09.00

  • Panel Discussion 1: Airports 

    A selection of companies and Latin American Investment organisations will draw on examples of projects they are working on in the region – and share their conclusions and advice.  

    Colombia – Jose Puyana, Embassy of Colombia –Minister Counsellor (Political and Economic Affairs)

    Mott MacDonald – Horacio Rossi – Projects Director – Senior Aviation Transaction Adviser

    Steer Group –German Lleras – LatAm Regional Director

    Chair: Jeremy Browne – Honorary Vice President, Canning House & International Business Ambassador, Aberdeen Standard Investments

    09.00 - 09.45

  • Coffee Break

    09.45 – 10.30

  • Keynote Speaker: Mark Menzies MP, the Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru

    In conversation with Christopher Garnett, Principal, ChuteCourt Asesores Limited

    10.30 – 11.00

  • 11.00 – 11:30

    Panel Discussion 2: Ports & Free Trade Zones 

    A selection of companies and Latin American Investment organisations will draw on examples of projects they are working on in the region and share their conclusions and advice. 

    Brazil – Daniel de Andrade Oliveira Barral – Secretary for Ports, Railways and Roads of the Special Secretariat of the Investment Partnership Program

    Beckett Rankine – Gordon Rankine – Director

    Chair: Lord Mountevans, Honorary President, Canning House & former Lord Mayor

    11.00 – 11:30

  • Panel Discussion 3: Rail & Metro

    A selection of companies and Latin American Investment organisations will draw on examples of projects they are working on in the region and share their conclusions and advice.

    Peru – Alberto Ñecco – Executive Director, ProInversión

    TFL– Helen Murphy – Director of Commercial Consulting and International Operations Team

    Crossrail International– Rebecca Venn – Director of Latin America

    Chair: EY – Camilo Gonzalez – Infrastructure Lead Partner- Latam North

    11.30 - 12.15

  • Panel discussion 4: What the UK government is doing to support infrastructure investments in Latin America New and existing ways of financing infrastructure in the region with UK support

    Infrastructure and Projects Authority – Javier Encinas – Acting Head of International

    UKEF – Michele Dee, Regional Head Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, South Asia

    Department for International Trade – Donald McNeill, Head of Transport Infrastructure and lead for Latin America


    Chair: International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group – Alberto Losada – Senior Investment Officer – Public Private Partnership – Latin America and Caribbean

    12.15 - 13.00

  • Networking Lunch and opportunity for one-to-one meetings  

    Detailed one-to-one discussion opportunities, representatives from the below organisations will be available for short informal meetings:

    DIT/FCO country desk officers

    Advisors including lawyers, risk management companies and consultancies and other members of the supply chain

    Latin American investment organisations and embassy reps

    13.00 – 14.30

  • Event close

    Canning House team available for any further requests and information


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