
Canning Paper Presentation: AgTech in Latin America

  • Canning House, 126 Wigmore Street, London

Social, economic and demographic trends around the world could present an opportunity for the agricultural sector in Latin America to contribute to regional development. Yet the agriculture and livestock sector now finds itself at a turning point in the region, poised uncomfortably between a triumphant resurgence and renewal on the one hand, or on the other a relapse into sluggish growth and the comparative political neglect of the past.

Social, economic and demographic trends around the world could present an opportunity for the agricultural sector in Latin America to contribute to regional development. Yet the agriculture and livestock sector now finds itself at a turning point in the region, poised uncomfortably between a triumphant resurgence and renewal on the one hand, or on the other a relapse into sluggish growth and the comparative political neglect of the past.

The emergence of new digital systems and technologies, and their application to agricultural production and distribution, could tip the balance in favour of the sector's resurgence. The latest Canning Paper takes a closer look at this phenomenon, known as agricultural technology or AgTech, how it is developing across Latin America and how it intersects with questions of food sustainability, bioeconomy and fintech.

Andrew Thompson of LatinNews, the main author of the paper, will present the report and its findings. Horacio Sánchez-Caballero, General Coordinator at GPS (Grupo de Países Productores del Sur), will provide some insights into the development of AgTech in a number of South American countries, and the opportunities this represents for business. The event will be chaired by Dave Ross, CEO of the Agri-EPI Centre.

Copies of the report will be available for attendees.

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