
The Canning Conference 2015

  • Mansion House, Mansion House, London

Conference starts at 9am. Registration from 8:30am.

We are delighted to announce the theme for this year's Canning Conference to take place on 15th October 2015 at Mansion House, London:

Latin America - Prospering in spite of the pessimism?

From 2003-2013, Latin American economies grew at an annual average rate of around 5%, driven to a large extent by increased external demand for commodities. It was presented as a developing region with steadily improving economies, poverty and inequality reduction, social mobility and progress; a global success story presented as a new region to look towards and invest in. However, with the ending of the commodity super-cycle, the boom is over. Economic growth has slowed, combined with resurgent and widespread corruption scandals, growing violence and insecurity in several countries, and human rights challenges. Global media perception has grown increasingly pessimistic.

However: despite the headline gloom and cynicism, most Latin American countries are in fact continuing to succeed, consolidating the gains made during the previous 10 years. Low debt, stronger banks and more reserves have cushioned the economies, while political stability and stronger institutions, combine with increasing diversification and productivity to offer the hope of growth that is less dependent on commodities. With borrowing costs still relatively low, many countries are increasing their investment in infrastructure, along with, in some cases, ambitious new structural and political reforms. In this reality, and in spite of strong headwinds, the outlook is for continued progress, building on the considerable achievements of the fast growth years accompanied by a sense of optimism about the future.

Debate at the Canning Conference 2015 will seek to establish where the true balance lies between the case for pessimism and that for optimism, while as always, teasing out the nuances that arise from the great diversity and heterogeneity of this vast region.

The conference will comprise of four sessions in total and we are delighted to announce the following confirmed participants:


8:30 Registration:

Tea, coffee, biscuits

9:00 Welcome Speeches:

Courtney Fingar, Editor-in-Chief fDi Magazine (Conference Compère) | Alderman Dame Fiona Woolf DBE representing The Lord Mayor | Dr John Hughes, Chairman of Canning House

9:20 Introductory Dialogue:

“Business as usual? – Is it easier or harder to do business in Latin America?” - Mark Cutifani, CEO, Anglo-American plc & Rt Hon Michael Portillo

9:55 Panel 1:

“Beyond the headlines – what is really happening on the ground and does it matter to business and investors?” - Gustavo Mohar, CEO, Grupo Atalaya | Jorge Cachinero, Director, Llorente y Cuenca | Peter Van Veen, Transparency International | Lord Garel Jones, Honorary Vice President Canning House (chair)

11:00 Coffee Break and Networking 

11:30 Panel 2: 

“Building the future: consolidating the gains?- Julie T. Katzman, COO, Inter-American Development Bank | Marta Lagos, Founder, Latinobarómetro | Francisco Espinoza, Managing Partner, Minerals Strategy Consultants (MSC) | Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Honorary Vice President of Canning House (chair)

13:00 Closing Dialogue:

Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General of SEGIB, the Ibero-American Secretariat, former Vice-President of Costa Rica, and Director of UNDP Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean in conversation with Miriam González-Durántez, Honorary President of Canning House

13:30-14:30 - Networking Lunch

14:30 Close of event

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