
Mexico 2018: post-election analysis event

  • Constance Malleret

On Wednesday 18th July, Canning House held an event on the results of the 1st July general election in Mexico, which saw Andrés Manuel López Obrador (frequently known as AMLO) win the presidency with over 50% of the vote, putting an end to a century of two-party rule.

We were delighted to welcome Dr Thom Rath, graduate tutor in history at UCL, and Rodrigo Aguilera, an economist, to speak. Giles Paxman, Canning House Trustee and former UK ambassador to Mexico, chaired the event.

As chair, Giles Paxman introduced the speakers and set the scene, highlighting the failure of successive governments to deal with violence and corruption. Presentations from the speakers then covered the issues that the incoming administration will face, amongst which tackling insecurity, and economic development, particularly in light of uncertain relations with the US under Trump. Although there is no desire for leftist economics in the country, the electorate's concern with rising violence, human rights and ingrained corruption can help explain the victory of AMLO's left-wing coalition Juntos Haremos Historia, which has a majority in the Senate and Chamber of deputies,  as well as in Mexico City.

Questions from the audience covered a variety of topics, including the composition of AMLO's cabinet, and whether his tendency to centralise the government could cause tension after he takes office on 1st December.

You can see Rodrigo Aguilera's presentation here.

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